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recon-3d related publications

Assessing iPhone LiDAR & Recon-3D for determining area of origin in bloodstain pattern analysis
Stephanie Stevenson, Eugene Liscio
Journal of Forensic Science, Technical Note, Jan 4, 2024, DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.15476

Exploring New 3D Technology
Allen Vaughan, Cat Pate and Randy Pazzaglia
Accident Reconstruction Journal, Volume 33., No. 4., July/August 2023

Validation of Recon-3D, iPhone LiDAR for bullet trajectory documentation,
Cassandra E. Chase, Eugene Liscio, Forensic Science International, Volume 350, July 2023,

Recon-3D Measurement Accuracy Study for Small Scenes.
Liscio E, Lim J. ,J Assoc Crime Scene Reconstr. 2023;27:1-1

"Accuracy and Repeatability of Mobile Phone LiDAR Capture,"
Miller, S., Hashemian, A., Gillihan, R., and Benes, S., SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0614, 2023,

Using the iPhone’s LiDAR technology to capture 3D forensic data at crime and crash scenes, (2022)
Authors: Sören Kottner Michael J. Thali Dominic Gascho, Forensic Imaging Available online 10 January 2023, 200535

apple lidar publications

iPhone LiDAR to Support Documentation of Clandestine Gravesite Photogrammetry Reconstruction and Depth Measurement Accuracy, Alice R Whittingham, Masters by Coursework, Murdoch University, 2024

Assessing Vehicle Profiling Accuracy of Handheld LiDAR Compared to Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Crash Scene Reconstruction
Desai, Jairaj, Jidong Liu, Robert Hainje, Robert Oleksy, Ayman Habib, and Darcy Bullock. 2021.
Sensors 21, no. 23: 8076.

Apple LiDAR Sensor for 3D Surveying: Tests and Results in the Cultural Heritage Domain
Lorenzo Teppati Losè, Alessandra Spreafico, Filiberto Chiabrando, Fabio Giulio Tonolo,

Heinrichs, B. and Yang, M., "Bias and Repeatability of Measurements from 3D Scans Made Using iOS-Based Lidar," SAE Int. J. Adv. & Curr. Prac. in Mobility 3(5):2219-2226, 2021,

Miller, Hashemian, A., Gillihan, R., & Helms, E. (2022). A Comparison of Mobile Phone LiDAR Capture and Established Ground based 3D Scanning Methodologies.

Luetzenburg, Kroon, A., & Bjørk, A. A. (2021). Evaluation of the Apple iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR for an Application in Geosciences. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 22221–22221.

Maiese, Manetti, A. C., Ciallella, C., & Fineschi, V. (2022). The Introduction of a New Diagnostic Tool in Forensic Pathology: LiDAR Sensor for 3D Autopsy Documentation. Biosensors (Basel), 12(2), 132–.

Mikalai, Andrey, D., Hawas, H. S., Tеtiana, Н., & Oleksandr, S. (2022). Human body measurement with the iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR scanner. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2430(1).

Spreafico, Chiabrando, F., Teppati Losè, L., & Giulio Tonolo, F. (2021). THE IPAD PRO BUILT-IN LIDAR SENSOR: 3D RAPID MAPPING TESTS AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences., XLIII-B1-2021, 63–69.

Gillihan. (2021). Accuracy Comparisons of iPhone 12 Pro LiDAR Outputs. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Sirmacek, & Lindenbergh, R. . (2014). Accuracy assessment of building point clouds automatically generated from iphone images. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences., 40(5), 547–552.

Tavani, Billi, A., Corradetti, A., Mercuri, M., Bosman, A., Cuffaro, M., Seers, T., & Carminati, E. (2022). Smartphone assisted fieldwork: Towards the digital transition of geoscience fieldwork using LiDAR-equipped iPhones. Earth-Science Reviews, 227, 103969–.

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